
Find out all about our clinics and other services available to you.

Our reception team will guide you to the most appropriate type of appointment. Here is some information about the NHS services we offer.

Health Conditions

If you have a long term condition, this will need monitoring by your practice team. You might be invited in for an annual review, and sometimes for check-ups in between.

Some conditions that need annual reviews are:

  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Struggling with mental health
  • Recovering from a stroke

In these appointments, we might check that your medication is still appropriate for you, and still the best treatment available.

We might also ask you questions about your lifestyle and give you advice about how to keep your condition under control. Our nursing team (including our health care assistants) are trained to offer you support and advice, and will talk to the GP about you to make sure a good plan is in place.

Focused Care

You may be offered an appointment with our Focused Care Practitioner. Our practitioner can help with a wide range of concerns and challenges that a GP or nurse is not trained in. They can also connect you to the help you may need from other services in the area.

Focused Care is offered in GP practices across Greater Manchester.

Big Life Changes

At the major moments of change in your life, we will support you and your family's health. Some of the ways we can do this include:

  • Child Health & Immunisation
    All new babies are invited in for their regular check-ups from eight weeks old and are offered the routine childhood vaccinations in accordance with the NHS recommended schedule.
  • Mental health support
    Please speak to any member of the practice team if you are struggling with your mental health. We might give you some good resources for you to use at home, or refer you to the right person that can help you further.
  • Midwifery
    For your local midwives, contact your local Sure Start Centre at Langley, Windermere Road on 0161 653 9526.
  • Smoking, drugs and alcohol
    We can offer support and advice to help you quit smoking, drugs, and excessive alcohol consumption. The stop smoking support service is provided by Living Well – call 01706 751 190.
  • Diet and Exercise Support
    Advice and support to get and stay healthy, whether you have a long term condition or you need general advice. This service is provided by Living Well – call 01706 751 190.
  • Sexual Health and Contraception Advice
    Run by Virgin Care, the clinics offer support, advice and the fitting and removal of long acting forms of contraception including implants and coils. Call 0300 303 8565 or visit

NHS Services

Our clinic is contracted to provide the following NHS services:

  • Maternity and midwifery services
  • Family planning
  • Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
  • Surgical procedures
  • Diagnostic and screening procedures
  • Services for everyone

Manage your health online

  • Manage appointments and prescriptions

  • Contact us online

  • Access test results

  • View your medical record

The Kingsway Practice_White
NHS Logo White

285a Kingsway
Greater Manchester
OL16 4AT

Tel: 01706 664120
